
fundraiser for the mission field!

i was thinking of having a swap party but the idea of sending out invitations, cleaning my house, having people over, etc. was stressing me out. so then i had a great idea. ...

see, i have several items to give away that i do not want to just give to goodwill. i would love to see friends and family and blog readers acquire them if they're interested. and i also have 2 missionary families on my heart these days. i would love to support them financially but don't have the extra money these days.

so, i came up with this "fundraiser" if you want to call it that.

i am going to list items that i no longer want for "sale", ebay auction style, on my blog. just message me on facebook or call me or leave a comment if you don't know how to get in contact with me and neither of those methods work. you can buy the items no matter where you are, send me a check and i will ship to you (in USA please) and all proceeds will be split 50/50 between the 2 missionary families that we know personally.  (and bear with me on the details. i've never done anything like this on my blog before...)

EDIT:it would be a lot more beneficial however to the missionaries if you lived near me or near my family in Ohio so I could easily get your items to you and don't have to pay a TON in shipping.

the shultz family is going to haiti like this week (don't know the exact date).
here's their blog: http://shultzinhaiti.weebly.com/

and the jones family is in costa rica, see http://riverofgod.net/ - we've visited them before.

is anyone interested? and if you don't want the items i'm "selling" but want to give to the missionaries only, i can get you the info to do that.

or you can also support these missionaries by buying coffee on this website: http://www.morethancoffee.org/

They offer coffees from 10 different countries as well as 2 flavored choices (there is even a decaf) to choose from.All you have to do is pick 'Nehemiah Vision Ministries - Team Shultz' when you check out and $2 from every bag you purchase will go towards supporting the Shultz's year in Haiti. Another cool thing is that you can support our Costa Rica friends - The Jones', at the same time. The Costa Rican coffee on the website comes from the Jones' coffee farm. They work to translate the Bible into a native indian language.

So, what do you say? Are you game? I'll be posting items soon. We'll see what comes of this. :)

1 comment:

Heather Cook said...

Sounds like a great idea to me!