
Our Vacation ~ March 3-8, 2006

We had a wonderful vacation. We came back feeling totally relaxed and happy. We got to see Savannah, Tybee Island, Charleston, Boone Hall Plantation, the Spartanburg BMW plant, the Biltmore driveway, Gatlinburg, Smokey Mountain Knifeworks, Cumberland Falls, and probably other things I can't even remember. This vacation far surpassed our last one to Michigan where we almost spent the night in a Walmart parking lot in the Jeep...I would even venture to say it surpassed our honeymoon. (That's not hard when you take into account the fact that we had no money then and the whole Happiness Inn story...) Anyhow, we kept calling this our "second honeymoon" and we're both so glad we took it. We're now back to work, back to our normal lives. We feel refreshed and ready to tackle the rest of our debt!! Life is good!

Below you will see most of the pictures we took on our vacation along with lots of captions. Happy viewing!!

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