
The adventures continue...

  • Friday night I came home to find we had no water. Thought the pipes must be frozen, as it has been very cold lately. Turns out the garden hose nozzle froze and the plastic broke and the garden hose was again running all day long in the yard. Same problem we had a couple weeks ago :) At least no pipes burst, huh? But we had brown water again.
  • Then Dave's parents arrived Saturday morning. Phil & Dave promptly started tearing out the kitchen floor and then they laid down backer board and installed the first kitchen cabinet.
  • I nicknamed Phil "Bam-Bam" because I was scrunched all up in the opposite corner of the kitchen attempting to make a corn casserole while he was pounding on the floor and it was giving me a headache. Oh well, just another adventure in the Neer household.
  • Then they ripped out the laundry room floor and some of the walls in there (which was gross to say the least...found some mold from leaking pipes that we couldn't really see before, and also a mouse skeleton inside a mouse nest in the wall behind the washing machine). 
  • This began the process of untangling a giant conglomeration of retarded plumbing decisions in the laundry room (none of which were made my us...)...we are relocating our pressure tank from the laundry room to the crawl space and relocating a bunch of pipes and wiring that were wound together like spaghetti next to the washing machine in the open into the walls.  When done, this is going to be awesome. For now, it's just another adventure.
  • The best part of all this was when they cut a hole in the laundry room floor and David rose up out of the crawlspace in his coveralls like some sort of monster.
  • Then the guys shut off the water. We made dinner with no running water (my second night in a row doing this). And washed dishes with no running water.....etc. Am I inventive or what?
  • Shan and I countersunk some nails in the front room walls and patched holes with mud in there and a few remaining ones in the master bedroom. We were going to prime but figured it would be a little difficult to wash brushes/rollers without water, so we relaxed. 
  • Then we made a run to Lowe's. For a couple hours. The best part was when Shan & I finally collapsed on our cart in the middle of the plumbing aisle while the guys galavanted off to the electrical section and the saleswoman walked past the end of the aisle. The same one who had seen us standing there a couple hours before.
  • Another highlight was this morning when I was in the kitchen making a breakfast casserole before church and the guys decided to light the laundry room floor with a torch in order to cut the hole larger. It wreaked of melting vinyl floor. This is when I nicknamed Dave "flame thrower". 
  • Then they used the jack from my car to bend a floor joist off to the side so we could lower the pressure tank into the crawl space. Very ingenious I must say!
  • Then we headed to church ...Dave was nominated as a deacon. The children did a musical - it was amazing! And we had the FPU Preview. Some very sweet new ladies from the community are joining us. 
  • We had lunch, we cleaned it up, and then I sat on the couch trying not to be sick. The afternoons really are the hardest for me right now. I'm going to start calling it afternoon sickness. 
  • Shan was looking at our church cookbook and every once in a while she would read me some obscure recipe. The best one was "Onion Pie"...sweet vidalia onions and cheese in a ritz cracker crust. Or pineapple casserole with ritz crackers involved as well. That almost made me sick to think about. Still does a few hours later. Ew! She really wasn't trying to make me sick but I had to tease her about it!
  • After they left, Dave & I made the 4th run to Lowes for the weekend. And I picked up the shrimp avocado salad that I've been craving from El Rodeo all weekend!
  • The main water supply to the house is currently disconnected. The only water I have is a couple bowls of brown gunk in the kitchen. Well, and a couple bottles of water. And it's 7 pm on Sunday. I sure hope Dave can finish this tonight. Guess I better go make him a good coffee and keep him company. And try not to look at any gross things in there...

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