

just whipped me up a batch of homemade deodorant...haven't tried it yet but have read tons of reviews for this recipe on various websites. should work fine. this is something i've been wanting to try for several months but the recipes i'd found previously said to use coconut oil not EVOO. i don't have any coconut oil and it's like $10 for a little container and i just kept making excuses about getting out and buying it. so today i found this recipe and i do have EVOO on hand so i decided to try this first. it smells awesome. i only used lavendar oil in mine as i don't have tea tree oil. oh well.

and i will mention that i found this recipe on my new favorite blog. i mean, seriously, this ranks right up there with younghouselove.com in my world. i found it this morning and i'm really enjoying looking over it. this lady had a home birth and check out this cool post on her fridge contents. i have so much to learn from her.

i've already been thinking about coming up with ways to reduce our usage of paper products (TP, baby wipes, kleenex, paper towels, etc.) to save $ but she gives some great practical suggestions on how to do that.

1 comment:

Molly said...

Let me know how your deodorant works. I tried making some with a recipe that called for coconut oil (I went ahead and spent the $10 on it...not sure if I should have). But, our house was so hot this summer that it just melted and separated and was a pain to use. So, I put it in the fridge, but that made it too hard. So I gave up on it. I should probably give it another try since it's not so hot now...But let me know how your recipe works out. :)