

I was looking at this one lady's blog this evening...I like to visit her site cuz she is quite a talented photographer and scrapper and she inspires me. So, she recently did a post on how she enters photos into the State Fair. Last year she won a prize. Anyways, she posted this: http://angiesvoboda.typepad.com/angies_computer_scrapbook/2007/08/statefair-photo.html This photo was not one that she was going to enter in the fair but she said she liked it...anyways, I thought it was ironic how I took "almost" the same picture back in May when we went to Justin's baseball game (see above and here:) http://dnkneer.blogspot.com/2007/05/little-league.html

Seriously though, do any of you think that I take cool pics? Dave says that I do, and I like to think that I do, but I always think that we're just biased. Do I really have talent in this arena? What if I entered some in the State Fair? ....Or even better, what if I turned it into a career?

Lately I've been thinking of what things that I like to do that would allow me to truly enjoy how I spend my days while making money. So far I have a few:
1. errand service
2. lawn mowing
3. financial counselor (sponsored by Dave Ramsey)
4. photographer/professional scrapbooker...

1 comment:

Angie said...

Thanks so much for the wonderful and kind words. I think you should follow your dream. Photography is a wonderful way to express yourself, remember only you can be the judge of your work. If you love your photos that is all that matters. Oh, I love your photos- if that matters- LOL. Keep up the great work.