
  1. FPU stuff - sam & christy (sp?) are in for sure. that makes 10 if nicole's in as well. plus us, is 12. sooo excited. we got our new leadership and member kits yesterday. i opened our kit up tonight. the new envelope system and CD holders are brown leather. very nice. i like the changes. the workbooks are in color. but the info is still the same, great stuff. :) we spent some time tonight preparing for sunday night. i'm just so excited to see what God has planned for this. i get all giddy just thinking about it.
  2. dave's going to work tomorrow morning. his dealership is so busy right now they offered all the mechanics $100 if they'd come in tomorrow morning and work (plus what they get paid for the cars they work on while there...) so dave's taking them up on that offer.
  3. my mind is going in like 500 different directions right now. i have so much to do yet all i can do is think about FPU and watch promotional videos.
  4. these are the other things i should be doing: my womens bible study, prepare for our mini-vacation, trick myself into liking my job, work on the office and all the other rooms in our home (by the way, our home is suddenly seeming HUGE now that we are redoing everything), clean the house for my parents' visit and the FPU kickoff sunday, do laundry, dishes, sweep and mop all floors, scrub the layers of rust off all the sinks, toilets and showers, get new shower curtains, dust, etc, etc, etc. i think i will just get up at like 5 a.m. tomorrow to get a head start on all this.
  5. ....does anyone else have the issues that i have with cleaning? i do a really bad job of cleaning like 90% of the time and then i have to scurry around and clean right before people come over. or like every saturday whether they're coming over or not. i want my house to be clean all the time. but it just always goes back to chaos. david is frustrated with it. he wants me to keep things put away and clean at all times. i sometimes do good for a few days in a row, sometimes even a week or more, then it goes back to chaos. does anyone have any advice on breaking this bad habit?
  6. it's storming here. i took more pics tonight. dave was mowing in a thunderstorm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Housework...let me just say you're not alone and David gets his frustration from his dad. I've currently been trying to read and put into practice a book by the ladies that inspired "flylady"...unfortunatly it's buried in a pile somewhere. The ONLY solution that I have found to motivate me is company. It's so hard to come home and clean when you've worked a ton and have so many other things going on. I used to think I'd be better once I was a stay at home mom, but then you're torn over whethter to ignore your kids and clean (when you know they'll mess it up again in 3 minutes or less) or if you give them some attention. The only other thing I can think of is a live in maid...maybe someday.
Have a good weekend.